Steam Download Game Restarted Fix

I've been downloading DoTA 2 for the past 2 weeks. When I first started downloading, my electricity was cut and my computer got shut down. The next day, when I restarted my PC, the progress has jumped from 45% (which was the point it was at when the power cut occured) back to 0%. From that day on, jumps back to 0% happened every time my computer was shut down from the power cut.

  1. Steam Download Game Restarted Fix Pc
  2. Steam Download Game Restarted Fix Windows 10

I have deleted and reinstalled everything (Steam and DoTA 2) many times.
Over four days, I have used 60GB of internet to download it and the points of progress it has restarted at are: 45%, 92%, 38% and 56%.


Steam download resetting to 0GB progress after restart. Ask Question 1. I started downloading a game. Steam again starting game download after installing Rage. Jun 26, 2014  I've restarted both Steam and my computer. Should I just delete all local content and start again, or what?, you're an idiot.' - JosephDigital. User Info: arleas. Arleas 4 years ago #2. Sadly, deleting the local content may or may not fix the issue. Now attempt to re-install the game. Before starting the download it will discover the.

6 Answers

Steam Download Game Restarted Fix

This is not only dota-2 problem but it happens with every game. Each time a power cut occurs steam starts to download the game files again.

There are two ways to solve your issue -

  1. Pause the download:- if you pause the download in progress before the power cut, it will surely resume from the stage you paused it.
  2. Restore/backup:- steam also offers another way to your problem. Download from the internet or take a latest backup of dota-2 from your friend in a pen drive and just restore it.
Rishabh SharmaRishabh Sharma

@amit, as others have already noted, there is no 'solution' per se for your problem. I suggest you try a simple workaround. As I've already stated here, you can paste the game files anywhere on your PC and when installing it on steam you just choose the folder they're in.

So, if you can get a copy of Dota 2 installation files (not the package, but the already installed game) you could install without downloading (it would still check all of your files, but it should be way faster).

If you don't know anyone with the game installed I suggest you try ciber cafes or ask online for someone to upload a torrent of it.


First of all, DoTA is only about 20GB.
Secondly, your download constantly restarts (well, backtracks; progress jumps) because when your computer power goes out (assuming it's the instant-powercut-and-everything-goes-black-and-the-system-suddenly-shuts-off type of power cut), Steam doesn't have a chance to properly finish finish downloading the file it is patching. Because of this, when the system restarts, Steam checks for the progress and will think the file it was patching is corrupted (not properly and fully downloaded). From there, it will restart downloading that file.
Usually, Steam downloads several files at once, which explains why there are big jumps.

Also, don't delete anything (not even use the 'Uninstall' button in Steam) whilst something isn't downloading properly. Let Steam manage that; it automatically scans for any corrupted/incorrect files and delete/redownload/reaquire them.
Deleting/uninstalling will only mean it will have to redownload everything again. from scratch, which is the same as hindering your progress.

If you are constantly suffering power problems and cannot keep your computer on long enough to download all the files, you should consider not downloading DoTA as it contains lots of large files (and thus mean you'll be very likely to have a power cut before Steam manages to fully download a single file). Or instead, switch to battery power, if you have it.
Pausing the download and quitting before the power-cut (if you know when it happens) will also help as Steam will be able to leave off from the point that you paused it at.


I can't say for sure this will fix it, but I'd suggest:

  1. Exit Steam.
  2. Delete or rename Steam's ClientRegistry.blob file (usual location: C:Program Files (x86)SteamClientRegistry.blob)
  3. Start Steam.

This forces Steam to recheck which games it considers to be installed.


after changing fire wall settings and user account control settings and my dota resuming .......... i found this suggestion somewhere else but thank u all guys for ur help ..... i have downloaded 82% now and after 3 power-cuts it still resuming....


The only option is to continue downloading your game without any breaks. If you have low KBPS consider replacing your internet


protected by galacticninjaAug 22 '15 at 11:24

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Game downloads up to a certain percentage e.g. 60% Or 50% and then you have to end your day and shut your PC off. So you shut it down. But wait, as you start your PC and steam the next day i.e. Time for the download to resume, you see this in the game download’s progress’ area instead of resuming:

. Pre-Allocating Data..
. Download starting…
.Game downloading: 0% done

Steam Download Game Restarted Fix Pc

OR you see that your download doesn’t have the progress up till the yesterday’s 60% but something very reduced like 12% or commonly from the kick-off area i.e. 0% percent.”
This problem is found among many steam users.

I always Get this type of Bugs and Could not even download and Play games on Steam! Origin And Uplay works fine in this regard but not in the case of the steam!
Steam Does not even cares about this bugs! They simply make this a damn post and not taking a serious issue on this!! Everyone waste their energy, time and money on downloading the games repeatedly for several times with no use of downloading!!!! :P :P :P

Steam Download Game Restarted Fix Windows 10

So any Good suggestions or solutions please for this Act!!!! Help Me ! I am In Trouble!