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Sell To Survive The Closers Survival Guide By Grant Cardone.pdf >> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1). Download The closer's survival guide pdf, Its the ability to close that makes a difference more than any other skill you.
Achieve 'Massive Action' results and accomplish your business dreams!
While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.
The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of 'Massive Action,' allowing you to blast through business clichŽs and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results.
Learn the 'Estimation of Effort' calculation to ensure you exceed your targets Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity Discover the time management myth Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed Know the exact formula to solve problems
Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.
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'Closing the sale is the only assurance of rewards. It is not true that you get paid to sell. You are not paid to sell. You are only paid to close. Your ability or inability to bring your buyer to a 'yes' decision, to quit looking, thinking and stalling and finally close, alone determines your stability and productivity as a sales person. Those that can close love selling...more
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Closing is 20% of the selling process but 100% of your income!
Jan 20, 2018
Amanda Anger rated it
it was amazing Shelves: 2018, business, audible, personal-development
Great book about answering people's common objections to whatever I'm selling. I'm not a pushy sales person, so some of these I wouldn't even attempt to use or weren't applicable to my day-job of auto/home insurance, but many of them were so easy that I am excited to put them into practice!
The first half hour was just the author telling the reader how great he is (feel free to skip that if you've ever read a book by Grant Cardone before), and then the next hour or so was an introduction to why...more
Grant does a great job explaining the importance of the close as well as in giving you great, specific closes you can use to overcome objections. It's up to you to personalize them to your situation, but they're great closes that, when practiced, drilled and rehearsed, call help you close more deals! I love the book more so for the lessons about how there's nothing without the close, there's nothing without asking for the business and getting an agreement to exchange resources for something mutu...more
Once you get past the very chatty beginning, there are lots of great closes in here. You really do need to be proactive with. Don’t just read it. Study, apply it to your own business, practice, role play. I think it’s a great resource. You just have to use it.
I left off a star because the book was so full of typos and damn exclamation points that if it didn’t have Grant Cardone’s name on the front, I probably would’ve laughed and tossed it aside. Hire an editor!
Jun 13, 2019Kit rated it did not like it · review of another edition
To many peoples surprise strong sales skills are a key requirement for most film producers, thus having a background in this area has been a key asset for myself on this career path. Likewise the same could be said for many aspects of our day to day lives both business and personal. The business of sales is vital in ways many fail to appreciate, and it is an art form that in many ways resembles the structure and complexity of a language.
Thus we come to the The Closer's Survival Guide a book focu...more
Do you sell? That depends, do you have ideas? Opinions? Products? Services? Research? Deal with people? Then yes, you sell. And if you sell, you will have greater results by learning what is called closing. Closing is taking the other party over a point of objection and to a firm actionable decision. Like sales, closing has a poor reputation from poor performers and crooks. And likewise, these types of people very rarely do well in the long run. The goal of a close is to win, a win is where both...more
Dec 20, 2018Jeff Hennore rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Grant has created the true Sales Bible. Having been in sales for several years, I've read a ton of books on how to 'sell' people, but nothing happens until you actually close them. Grant goes into detail on fantastic closes that'll help you in any industry with a bit of creativity. I also love how he ties certain aspects of the principles found within this book to other scenarios that would not be formally recognized as a selling situation. If you're in sales, then this book is an absolute must....more
I really like how specific and practical this book is. Too many books spend all their time convincing you that you should without explaining how to do it. But many of his closing techniques are designed to tap into insecurity, pride, guilt, etc. He justifies his approach by saying that if you truly believe the product is right for them then you’re helping by pressuring them to do it. I’m okay with that in general—many of the closes are good and push them to be more logical or wise—but I’m not ok...more
Everybody is always either selling or being sold. That's a fact. In this book Grant goes over 100 closes. Not all of them are fit for you but for sure you WILL learn how to close better. I like his style, can't help it. A short read, not huge amount of content but for sure one to have on the shelf and in your hands from time to time if you are in sales.
May 20, 2019
Kevin O Cruz Ojeda rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: sales
If you're a newbie in the High-ticket sales field, or you're doing direct sales, this book is a must read and a must have as an audiobook. It gives you a lot of techniques to close deals, the book gives you literally tons of techniques, is not a narrative type of book, that's why is called 'The Closer's Survival Guide'. You will benefit a lot from the audiobook if your job requires long travels.
Jan 31, 2019Todd Benschneider rated it it was amazing
As much as I dislike sales training scripts, Grant does a great job of exploring why and how people react to particular statements in business negoatiations. This book is a must read for anyone in sales.
Feb 05, 2018Nathan rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Until you close with a customer, you can't provide value to them. This book shows you hundreds of ways to do just that and, if you're in sales, you should probably read this a couple of times per year.
Great book for Salespeople looking to be Closers. There a millions of salespeople in the world but very few of them are Closers. Those that are, are true professional salesmen. Those that aren’t a nice n all but they aren’t true salesmen.
Oct 25, 2017George Davidson rated it really liked it
Good overview on importance of closing and compendium of closing techniques. Not of much use in complex sales, but sales pro's should know all the basic closes and you can learn them here.
Written in standard Cardone over the top fashion.

Must read for anyone in sales and in business. He offers 20 rules for negotiating and over 120 closing techniques. Not all of them are equally valuable, but I bet anyone can get at least 30-40 new weapons in their arsenal. Worth the read regardless.
The Closers Survival Guide Free
First hour or so is Grant talking smack, and there's a few closes in there that'd just end up getting people laughing at you in Australian culture. For the by and large though it's a pretty handy guide.
Many fantastic closes
Oct 11, 2017Sean rated it it was amazing
Extremely useful! One of few books out there that you can actually put into action right away for your job or your business.
Grant gets very specific on a subject not often covered. Excellent examples for those who want to take some of the mystery of how you close a deal.
We'll reread as this DOES improve your sales skills.
Classic cardone pump up. Learn ways to get your prospect on board.
Apr 24, 2018Sparkvision rated it it was amazing
Real lines used to closed.
Sep 18, 2018Randy rated it it was amazing
Great context and lists of possible closes and why. Very helpful!
Apr 25, 2018Brian Ambrosini rated it it was amazing
Amazing book as always.
In my re-read list.
He has exteremely unorthodox but closing strategies that seem to work.
Mar 07, 2018Oliver English rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
A good book no doubt about it, a bit high pressure in some cases (is that the American way?) but any of the closes can be changed to make it fit your style a bit better.
It could do with some more editing, a few closes feel like they are basically duplicates, and some wordings a bit hard to get what Grant really means however, it's still one of the best sales books I've ever read.
I had heard about Grant Cardone quite a few times, before seeing his talk through a livestream of Freedom Fastlane Live in 2015. Absolutely liking the attitude and determination this guy just oozes, I decided to go to his website and find some awesome goodies to suck up some of that awesomeness, and I found this audiobook in an awesome package deal.
This guy has selling and closing down to make it look like art. The amount of value he gives in this book is just tremendous. Selling is one of the f...more
Oct 31, 2016Santiago Valdez rated it really liked it
Great book by Grant Cardone, he understands what it takes to close the deal; it is a mindset more than anything. Still he gives literally dozens of closing scripts for just about any situation to help frame the situation. A great read to understand and get the feel of a close.
In his book he gives over 160 different closes and walks you through their scenarios. Everybody closes others on a daily basis. Therefore I highly recommend this book to everybody and see how to apply it, especially those that sale.
Jul 31, 2016Success Through Books rated it it was amazing
Listened to the audiobook, amazing book, with over 10o closes.
Feb 17, 2016Mark Manderson rated it really liked it
Great closes for when you truly believe in your product in order to overcome their own fear of commitment.
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I am a NY Times Best Selling Author, internationally-recognized Sales Training Expert, Business Coach, and the Founder and CEO of 3 businesses: Cardone Training Technologies, Cardone Group, and Twin Capital Management. You may have seen me as the star and co-executive producer of a show, called TurnAround King.
In addition to speaking internationally to individuals, companies, and industry leaders...more